This Is How You Talk To A Ridiculous Trump Surrogate

CNN's Kate Bolduan demonstrated how to slap down the nonsense coming from Trump surrogates.

CNNI's Kate Bolduan clapped her hands and interrupted Trump surrogate Carl Higbie from hijacking the segment based on nothing but distrust of the media. saying "Please! don't start with me. You're going to attack sources. That is ridiculous!"

After the news broke that Trump had leaked highly sensitive and classified materials to the Russians, Higbie was on CNNI defending Trump.

Kirsten Powers said that Trump's actions of leaking those secrets put people's lives in danger and when host Kate Bolduan said could it be that Trump didn't know any better. she replied, "So their best case scenario is incompetence, that's what that would mean."

Bolduan then brought in Higbie, a former Navy SEAL and Trump apologist to ask him if this was troubling for a person who has dealt with classified info before.

Instead of being objective, he trashed the whole segment.

"I've been sitting here quietly listening to all this B.S. frankly and did you listen to anything McMaster said?," Carl growled.

Higbie then went down the rabbit hole of "the story is not true unless anonymous sources reveal themselves."

Carl said, "You're basing all these allegations off one or maybe two sources, CNN reports that two former officials confirmed the main points of the story. Two former officials? Tell you what, come out and name those people, then we'll have something to talk about."

Bolduan shot back, "One, we protect sources. Two, it's not just CNN, It's Washington Post, New York Times, WSJ, CNN, ABC, NBC."

Higbie pressed in. "Who are the sources?"


"Who are the sources, Oh, because they're hiding behind this and anonymity."

Bolduan had enough and forcefully said, "Carl, please!"

As he continued, she clapped her hands in front of his face and yelled, "Do not even start with me. You're going to attack sources. That is ridiculous!"

"So you're saying McMaster is lying?"

I'm not saying that. He didn't answer the question. [overlapping speakers]

Powers said, That's his opinion."

Bolduan, "Do not attack the stellar reporters of CNN who have their sources and protect them..

Higbie said he doesn't believe the stellar sources at CNN because they were hiding behind anonymity.

Trump's own tweets verified that he did leak classified information to the Russian, Carl.

Keith Boykin sarcastically suggested that "Watergate was all a lie"

He continued, "You're embarrassing yourself, your party, and your country. You should not be doing this. You're a better person than this. I'm ashamed for this."

No, Keith. He's not a better person than this. This is Carl Higbie, plain as day.

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