Sara Huckabee Sanders Refuses To Retract Accusations After Teen Assault Case Dropped

It's easy to make the allegations, harder to admit they're wrong, apparently.

During today's White House press briefing, Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to say if the White House and Sean Spicer will issue retractions after using a Maryland sexual assault case to justify their harsh immigration policies after the charges were all dropped.

A reporter asked Sanders whether she wanted to retract anything that the White House has said about the assault.

Huckabee demurred, claiming ignorance. "I'm not going to retract anything without further information."

The White House and their surrogates viciously pushed a story about two immigrant teens who allegedly sexually assaulted a 14-year-old classmate in a high school bathroom stall to advance their nativist immigration policies, but all charges were dropped due to “substantial inconsistencies” from witnesses."

During his press conference on March 21st, Spicer used this case
to sell Trump's nativist immigration vision:

"I think part of the reason the president has made illegal immigration and crackdown such a big deal is because of tragedies like this,” he said.

“Immigration pays its toll on our people if it’s done — if it’s not done legally. And this is another example, and it’s why the president is so passionate about this.”

Trump has always jumped the gun on breaking news stories which he feels furthers his policies and using these teens for political gain was just another case.

Not letting Sara off the hook, another reporter asked Huckabee during today's presser if there is a danger from the Trump administration's constant negative rhetoric.

He continued, "That is "animating too many people to jump to conclusions" and "diminishing the entire immigrant community, whether they're law abiding or not?"

Huckabee responded by saying Trump is a law and order president, then made believe crime has risen in this country to incredible heights ...blah, blah, blah.

She continued, "To call into question his rhetoric to be anything other than who has condemned hate and violence in all of its forms is simply just a complete misrepresentation not only of who the president is but also what he said."

Spicer and this White House use every word scrap they can find, whether it be from the right wing fever swamps, alt-right hell holes, Fox and Friends or unsubstantiated news reports to justify their despicable viewpoints.

This is just the latest example they got caught on.

Sean Spicer and the White House owe all parties involved and the public a retraction on this story.

They even tried to pass off worker safety fences as real border walls, for f*cks sake.

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