Jeffrey Lord: 'This Is Not The Kremlin!'

Comrade Lord defends Trump's firing of Comey.

Responding to the Comey firing, CNN Trump surrogate Jeffrey Lord was relegated to declaring that America is not Russia by yelling, "This is not the Kremlin," and off camera Anderson Copper replied, "Not yet."

Anderson Cooper's AC360 was discussing the unceremonious firing of James Comey and Jeffrey Lord used the Trump talking points of shifting the topic back on the Democrats and trying to paint them as hypocrites over Comey's abrupt dismissal.

Lord also said he was for a select bipartisan commission on investigating Russia, but not a special prosecutor.

David Gregory argued with Lord about painting the Democrats as hypocrites and said, "You can actually hold two opposing thoughts in your head at he same time."

Gregory explained that there is a basis to fire Comey over his handling of the Clinton, but watching how this firing took place in the midst of the FBI investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump camp is very troubling.

Gregory, "You can also be adamantly opposed as an American citizen to the purging of a senior official in our government at a time of a major investigation into the White House"

Lord, "Purging, David. Purging?"

Gregory, "I'm sorry. How can you not hold those two points of view at the same time?

Lord replied, "David, this is not the Kremlin. This is not the Kremlin, and you're using..."

Anderson Cooper cut in off camera and said, "Not yet."

Gregory continued, "This is not what happens in democracies, Jeffrey. You're going to defend the firing of an FBI director under these circumstances?"

Lord then changed the topic to Ken Starr. No, really.

Jeffrey replied, "In other words, all the attacks on Ken Starr were just fine for you. Is that what you're saying now?

No that wasn't what he was saying. And Ken Starr leaked like a sieve to the press throughout his whole tenure as a special prosecutor, Jeffrey.

Gregory said, "Can we focus on the relevant matter here?

Lord said, "No, we cannot. I'm not going to let this hypocrisy slide."

Gregory, "You can be for the firing of Jim Comey and oppose a president for nakedly political reasons purging his government."

Watching Lord saying 'this is not the Kremlin,' put a smile on my face, I must admit.

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