Michigan Rep. Slams AHCA: 'Tax Cut Dressed Up As A Healthcare Bill'

This is how every Democrat must talk about Republicans' effort to gut healthcare in this country. Every one.

This segment on MSNBC this morning is notable for two reasons. First, we get to revisit Bernie Sanders' magnificent drubbing of OMB Director Mick Mulvaney during last week's hearings.

And second, because Rep. Dan Kildee bluntly defined Republicans effort to destroy our healthcare system in stark terms.

After watching Sanders' yank Mulvaney's lies into the light, Thomas Roberts asked Kildee for his reaction.

"This is not repeal of the Affordable Care Act at its core," he answered. "What they have proposed is a tax cut dressed up as a health care bill and they pay for the tax cut by cutting health care for people who really need it."

That is all any Democrat should be saying. It's not complicated, and it's not wonky. It's as simple as being a tax cut dressed in a flimsy healthcare dress.

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