Best Speech Today: 'Trumpcare Is 'Gut Punch To America'
In a terrific rant from the floor of the House of Representatives, Rep. Adriano Espaillat demanded that Republicans stop kicking Americans to the curb
Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY13) gave a passionate speech which highlights what will befall Americans if the House/Trumpcare bill passes.
He called it a "gut punch to America."
The representative from New York’s 13th District told Congress. "Mr. Speaker, I strongly oppose this bill. We all should. Protecting ACA is a top issue for my constituents. Constituents like Leslie who without the protections of the ACA would not have gotten the treatment for leukemia that she was diagnosed with at the age of 22. Leslie is now in remission thanks to Obamacare. For Leslie, the ACA protections, like essential health benefits, were a matter of life and death. This Republican bill would destroy those patient protections. "
Rep. Espaillat continued, "Under the ACA in my district, a 5% drop in uninsured rates. Subsidized based on income and region, not on age. Medicaid expansion covering 156,000 people will be lost."
"The president promised not to cut Medicaid. This bill guts it by $880 billion. This bill is a gut punch to America, " the NY Congressman said.
"Pregnant women seeking health care kicked to the curb. Patients with pre-existing conditions, kicked to the curb. Senior citizens who will have to pay more for less, kicked to the curb. Only 24 million people, including 6.5 million Latinos, kicked to the curb."
"We demand Republicans stop kicking to the curb, Americans!"
In a little over a minute, Rep. Espaillat described perfectly how Republicans are treating the American public and destroying their healthcare coverage. More like this, please.