In California, Robert Lee Ahn Is Funded By Trump's SuperPAC
Congressional candidate Robert Lee Ahn caught hiding behind dark money Super PAC funded by Trump's donor.
At last week's debate, Robert Lee Ahn described himself as the anti-establishment alternative to progressive Democrat Jimmy Gomez in the race to replace Xavier Becerra. In his Republican style, Robert Lee Ahn interrupted Jimmy numerous times to explain his phony pledge to be funded solely by the people -- granted, he doesn't understand that much of Gomez's funding comes from liberal/progressive individuals and organizations.
Obviously, we here at Crooks and Liars understand the truth about Robert Lee Ahn for a while, so we investigated these claims. Needless to say, Robert Lee Ahn is a fraud. He is funded by Republican millionaires who want to steal this seat from the people of Los Angeles. In particular, Robert Lee Ahn is hiding behind a Super PAC funded largely by a top Trump contributor.
If you look at Robert Lee Ahn's campaign spending, you'll find that most of his campaign's money goes to propaganda mail such as this:
Yes, that's right, Robert Lee Ahn tricks voters into opening nonsensical mail (the people he seeks to represent) by falsely depicting the mail piece as a jury duty summons. This is right out of Roger Stone's handbook (you know, Paul Manaforte's business partner who prides himself of being the "Prince of Darkness").
However, what we noticed is that many CA34 residents have been receiving slanderous mail from an organization known as Citizens for a Better Government. This mail--much of which is littered with typos and inaccuracies--is simply Super PAC junk mail. But who is funding this PAC you may ask?
Republicans, of course.
Not only is this a Republican funded Super PAC, it is a PAC (raising and spending six figures) funded by only a handful (5) of donors. One donor in particular has contributed half ($50,000) of the money!
This donor, Myung "Mike" Hong, is a Republican donor who most recently frequented Donald Trump fundraisers and donated thousands of dollars to the President's xenophobic, racist campaign for the Presidency.
That's right, Robert Lee Ahn, who has spent this campaign going around CA-34 pretending to be an anti-establishment hero, is nothing more than a spoiled Republican child hiding behind the dark sewer money that his Trump-fan friends are using to smear Jimmy Gomez. This isn't a new pattern for Robert Lee Ahn:
First, he screwed workers out of their wages at the car wash and said it wasn't his fault!
Second, he lied on his candidate statement, fraudulently calling himself a lifelong Democrat, when in fact, he was a Republican for three times as long!
And now, Robert Lee Ahn is hiding behind this far right Super PAC in order to try and steal this historically significant Congressional seat. Until Robert Lee Ahn can explain to the people of Los Angeles why he is comfortable paling around with Republican extremists he has no credibility representing our diverse city in these troubling times.
Here's more information on Jimmy Gomez as the only true progressive candidate running for CA-34 from Blue America PAC.
(Several reporters contributed to this article)