Rush Limbaugh On Budget Deal: 'Why Is Anybody Voting Republican'
What Limbaugh pines for is an autocracy, led by an authoritarian buffoon.
Conservative icon Rush Limbaugh blasted Republicans over the new budget deal that funds the government through September.
In the process, sanctuary cities are continually funded. Obamacare is not repealed nor is it replaced. The White House is saying that they’re very close to having enough votes in the House to actually move forward on Obamacare. But until we see the vote, we will know they don’t have the votes. They’re not gonna conduct a vote ’til they have them. So Obamacare gets funded. Sanctuary cities get funded. The EPA gets funded through September. Planned Parenthood gets funded. The wall does not. So if you’re asking yourself, “Why am I voting Republican?” you have a good question.
Why is anybody voting Republican, if this is what happens when we win?
We won the House, we won the Senate, we won the White House, and the Democrats thwarted everything we supposedly said we were going to do with our victory.
Limbaugh, who applauded Trump throughout the election didn't aim his venom at the commander in chief. Oh, no. He told Trump to wise up!
But I think this illustrates a much larger problem that we are going to have to recognize, and it’s the real reason Donald Trump was elected. It’s the real thing that he has got to do, and he’s got to start doing it. And it is not going to happen if he continues to work with Republicans, because it is obvious, for...
Our American, democratic system of government is of no use to Trump and his surrogates because what they obviously want is an autocracy, lead by an authoritarian buffoon.
And a reminder of what Lawrence O'Donnell predicted last month: