Sean Spicer Booed By White House Reporters After Cutting Presser Early

After spending nearly eight of 20 minutes in a self-promoting monologue, Spicer took few questions, leaving reporters frustrated.

Holding his first press briefing in nearly two weeks, Sean Spicer used around eight minutes of it to rewrite the overseas trip in a long boring monologue, and then he took a few questions.

And by a few, I mean a very few.

In response to what was to be the final question, Spicer scolded reporters. "The reason the president is frustrated is because there is a perpetuation of false narratives, use of unnamed sources over and over again about things that are happening don't ultimately happen."

And then he cut them off entirely.

As he left the room, one reporter shouted, "Is Kushner fake news?" while others booed.

So propaganda, then a few lies, then cutting the press off entirely. I think maybe those boos should have been even louder.

The longer version of the video:

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