Kellyanne Whines That Trump Is Attacked More Than... Bill Clinton?!

Kellyanne tries to gaslight the Mika tweets situation in her usual fashion. But Bill Clinton? Is she HIGH?

After Kellyanne Conway told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that Trump has been attacked with more toxicity than Bill Clinton, George replied, "What you're saying is not true."

Trump's former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway joined ABC's GMA to defend Trump over his vile Mike Brzezinski tweets this morning and immediately played the "mean media" cards.

George opened the interview by asking Conway if she endorsed, "the president's tweets?

Conway responded by zigzagging around his question, talked about Trump's yuge social media platform, lack of policy coverage and then whined, "He's called a goon, a thug, mentally ill talking about dementia, armchair psychologists all over television every day. George, it doesn't help the American people to have a president covered in this light. I'm sorry, it's neither productive or patriotic."

"The toxicity is over the top, " Conway said. So, Kellyanne doesn't mind the toxicity coming out of the White House then? And she certainly didn't mind the toxicity from Rudy Giuliani, who questioned Hillary Clinton's physical and mental state for weeks on end during the campaign.

George replied, "Kellyanne, as you know all presidents are attacked. I worked for a president that was attacked mercilessly as well --"

Conway, "Not this way."

Stephanopoulos said, "What you're saying is not true."

The Republicans and the conservative media tried to destroy Bill Clinton at every turn and held countless investigations on his business dealings and then hired an unruly special counsel, while Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

And, um, Kellyanne? Republicans impeached Clinton over an obstruction of justice, led by Newt Gingrich, who now says the president can't be subjected to obstruction of justice charges!

Stephanopoulos continued, "You didn't quite answer the question. Do you endorse what the president sent out in those tweets?"

Conway replied, "I endorse the president's right to fight back when he is being mercilessly attacked and when the air waves are filled with raw sewage about him and his fitness for office."

In effect, she is endorsing Trump's nasty Mika tweets. Good to know. She's refusing to admit that he media coverage is in direct proportion to Trump's outlandish, boorish and just plan mean public behavior.

Conway then went off on her usual pattern of blaming the media for not covering Trump's non-existent "massive agenda."

George played clips of Kellyanne criticizing Trump for his offensiveness and she replied that it goes both ways and made some weird comment that the media is hurting American women by not covering Trump' trying to get tax reform done.

When Stephanopoulos shot down her blatant falsehoods about media coverage and tried to force her to answer his questions, she got upset, "You keep interrupting me, George."

She continued with another lie, "this is somebody who is trying to get those millions of women who lack health care coverage.."

Kellyanne blamed the media for covering Trump's personal insults instead of his agenda, but that's because Trump acts like a spoiled, silver spooned, cyber-bulling teenager and since Conway constantly praises Trump's 30 million followers on social media, then she must admit that when he's responsible for the toxicity that he creates for himself.

You gotta wonder if Kellyanne Conway is worried that if she doesn't defend Trump thoroughly enough, he might tweet about her plastic surgery.

He does that, you know.

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