CNN Host To Sen. Johnson: 'This Whole 'Fake News' Thing Needs To End And End Now'

Chris Cuomo stopped Sen. Johnson in his tracks from spewing misinformation.

CNN's Chris Cuomo stopped Sen. Johnson in his tracks after he claimed the media was using "distorted and incorrect information" to describe the CBO scoring of the Senate Trumpcare bill.

Sen. Johnson made the rounds on cable TV this morning and joined CNN's New Day after babbling to "Morning Joe." He told the CNN host, "In terms of premiums, they won't be harmed. We need information, and the debate on this thing has been completely distorted using incorrect information."

Host Chris Cuomo took offense to his characterization of the media and Trump's consistent allegations that CNN is "fake news."

Cuomo said, "Two things about that -- First of all, one thing, I know you're not suggesting that I'm using misleading information, right?

Sen. Johnson replied, "No,no."
Cuomo continued, "You let me know what I'm saying that's inaccurate."

"This whole fake thing needs to end and end now. Tell me what I'm getting wrong," the CNN host said.

A mumbling Sen. Johnson replied, "Chris, I'm not accusing you. I'm talking about the fact people don't understand the 22 million and it was a wrong baseline."

Trump and his surrogates uses the term 'fake news" over and over again to attack the media over facts that do not support Donald or his many changing narratives.

If a member of the media makes a mistake, it's not fake, it's a mistake and it is not the entire media's fault.

They do make good scapegoats for Trump and his most avid fans.

As the WSJ's John Bussey told Shep Smith, "It's a desire to build a wall around the WH, to limit inquiry into what they do, accountability.."

Cable TV news hosts must continue to stop the lying liars from spewing nonsense as best they can. Halting the interview and calling them out is a good start.

More of this, please.

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