CNN's Conservative Analyst To Jay Sekulow: 'You’re A Partisan Hack!'
Another annoying Trump surrogate gets called out.
One prescript from the art of defending Donald Trump from his many missteps is to constantly interrupt the person you are debating. The Daily Beast's Matt Lewis had enough of it from Jay Sekulow and finally called him a 'partisan hack!"
Throughout the segment on CNN's AC360, Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative operation that supports Trump, was there to attack James Comey and anyone who might be called as a witness during any hearing.
Sekulow repeatedly questioned the idea of what "collusion" actually means and said Trump is not worried at all over the Russian investigations.
When guest Jennifer Granholm said Trump "seemed to be sweating" by his actions, Sekulow kept interrupting her responses.
Granholm kept pushing on and said Sekulow's strategy seems to be "to discredit these men" being called to testify, which she felt was the wrong way to go.
At about the 2:37 mark of the video, conservative Matt Lewis joins the discussion and then things got heated.
Lewis said, “I do think [Comey's] an honorable person, though, - and I think Sekulow came with a mission to begin discrediting James Comey. I think it’s a harbinger of things to come.”
After Jay continued to interrupt and question Lewis, he stopped and said, "Are you cross examining me? Am I under oath? You can’t handle the truth Jay Sekulow. Guess what you’re not hosting the show.”
As Sekulow tried again to interrupt Lewis, he responded in kind, “You can’t shut up,” Lewis said. “You talk too much, Jay Sekulow. You came here tonight, you are a partisan hack!”
I couldn't have said it any better.