Acting US Amb Supports London Mayor Over Trump, Fox Yakkers Blame Obama

The US Ambassador to England (acting) did the diplomatic thing. Fox and Friends blamed Obama for appointing a diplomat.

This morning, the Fox and Friends co-hosts were upset that the acting U.S. ambassador to the UK backed London's Mayor Sadiq Khan. Trump, you may remember, attacked the mayor after the latest London Bridge attack.

Sadiq Khan is the first Muslim mayor of London. Coincidence?

Khan told Londoners not to be alarmed when they saw more police, including more armed officers on the streets.

Trump mischaracterized his statement and took political advantage, rather than express condolences for lives lost:

Fox News' Kristin Fisher reported "Well, now the U.S. ambassador in London is getting involved. in fact, the acting U.S. ambassador to the U.K. is coming out and saying that he is strongly praising the mayor of London for his remarks and directly contradicting the White House on this one," Fisher said.

Like right wing columnist Jennifer Rubin, I wondered if Trump was "off his rocker" too after reading his twitter storm following the latest London Bridge attacks.

Here what the American Embassy tweeted:

Fear not, Donald. Brian Kilmeade comes to your rescue.

Kilmeade replied, "Thanks, Kristin. I guess when you get contradicted it is because President Obama put that ambassador in place. It's not the ambassador that President Trump wants in place."

Trump thanks you, Brian.

So it wasn't Trump's childlike insulting tweets that attacking the mayor of London that is the issue, but President Obama,.

It's never Trump's fault, gotcha.

This morning Trump once again attacked the Mayor of London:

WTF is he doing? His obsessions are taking aim at one of our staunchest allies.

I do imagine Lewis Lukens will be looking for a new job soon since Trump's most trusted new source attacked him.

And guess what? Trump responded to Fox and Friends. What a shock!:

Trump nominated Woody Johnson to fill the ambassador role.

The NY Daily News reported that there was a fight among Trumpers over this nomination.

Why hasn't Trump continued to appoint people to fill vital positions within our federal government?

What the heck is Rex Tillerson doing with the State Department?

About four months after Tillerson’s confirmation, Hook has told associates that his boss is in no rush to fill the several hundred senior-level posts that require political appointments. Trump has yet to nominate a single assistant secretary, leaving the department’s top posts for regions like Europe, Asia and the Middle East vacant. Instead, career civil servants — “acting” assistant secretaries — are filling the jobs until their replacements are nominated, a move that is eliciting criticism from department veterans.

It's a huge problem.

Oh, wait. That must be Obama's fault, too. Never forget:

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