King Trump Contemplates Firing Special Counsel Mueller

In the works since the weekend, President Man-Baby wants Mueller gone sooner rather than later.

Over the weekend, the White House released talking points suggesting that Robert Mueller should be slimed and fired by Donald Trump.

Today, Trump's friend and Newsmax publisher Christopher Ruddy met with him, and shortly thereafter, told Judy Woodruff that he was serious about the possibility of firing Mueller.

Is this bluster and bluff or is Trump serious? Ginning up this rumor the night before Sessions is due to testify in an open hearing could be one way of working the refs on this.

Or, he could be serious. Congressman Adam Schiff promised that if he did such a thing, this would happen:

Others are not so certain the Congress (as it is currently composed) would actually revive the Independent Counsel statute. I tend to agree.

Of everyone who discussed this tonight, I thought Chris Matthews probably had the best segment, aired shortly after the Ruddy interview hit the internet.

There are a handful of conservatives who still have a brain and some moral compass out there objecting. Like this:

In the end, if Trump fires Mueller, it will be another moment when he shreds the Constitution and makes hay of the U.S. Government, for which Republican lawmakers will cluck and toady all at once. There will be no consequences, because they have all been inducted into the Cult of Trump, where all loyal subjects offer lavish praise to the Emperor sitting naked before them.


The White House has responded with this non-response.

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