Newt Gingrich Responds To MSNBC's Joe Scarborough By Calling Him 'A Prostitute'

Gingrich just used "I know you are but what am I?" strategy to bash Joe Scarborough.

Trump super surrogate Newt Gingrich responded to a tweet fight he had with Joe Scarborough over his flip-flopping on once very positive views of Bob Mueller as Special Counsel by calling the MSNBC host "a prostitute."

On Thursday, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough took issue with the former Speaker of the House for suddenly attacking the integrity of Special Counsel Bob Mueller, who he initially called a "superb choice," and a month later claimed Mueller was a member of the "deep state' that's out to get Trump.

Scarborough responded by calling into question Gingrich's credibility since Trump just named his current wife, Callista, an ambassador to the Vatican.

On Saturday night, Fox News' Judge Pirro asked Gingrich about this episode and took his side, of course.

Pirro said, "Here's a problem. When you come out and defend the president -- you've got a Joe Scarborough comes out and says 'Hey, Gingrich, what is the price of an ambassadorship,' as if because your wife Callista is being nominated to be ambassador to the Vatican, that this is like payback ...because your wife is getting this."

Gingrich replied, "“Well, now we know to the degree to which Joe is a prostitute that apparently he would do that. I wouldn’t.

“My record of being for Trump is clear. it's unending....I’m deeply committed to this presidency because I think we need to shake up Washington,” Newt said.

I have never seen a supposedly revered Beltway pundit like Gingrich, in one month go from describing a man like Bob Mueller as being impeccably honest with unmatched integrity to then alleging the same man is "the bogeymen of the 'deep state' conspiracy" promoted by the Alex Joneses of the alt-right.

Trump only rewards those around him who he feels gives him their undying loyalty and that's what Newt Gingrich has done.

Gingrich's argument is, 'I'm not the prostitute, you are!'

Name any other reason why Callista Gingrich was named an ambassador to the most beautiful and historic city in the world?

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