Ohio Councilman Wonders Whether City Can Stop Responding To Repeat Overdoses
There's a real regard for life right there.
An Ohio councilman has a novel approach to the opioid crisis in that state: Just stop responding to repeat overdose emergency calls. If they're so irresponsible they overdose over and over and need Narcan to be brought back from the edge of death, they're not worth saving, according to Councilman Dan Picard of Middletown, Ohio.
Via the Journal-News:
Saying the city needs to think outside the box, Middletown City Council member Dan Picard asked if it was possible for EMS to not respond to overdose calls.
Noting people with cancer don’t get free chemotherapy from medics nor do people having heart attacks get a free heart bypass in an EMS run, Picard asked if there was a law that requires the city to respond to overdose calls.
Picard is frustrated over the fact that costs for Narcan doses are in excess of $100,000 when the city only budgeted $10,000.
Picard clearly appears to be a Republican, since he's also a proponent of privatizing emergency responders if costs keep being so high. God forbid he should pay one penny of taxes to help save lives.
Unless, of course, it's to force women to have babies. That is always okay with these guys.