COLLUSION: GOP Flack Shopped Hackers For Hillary's Emails During Campaign

The plot thickens? A Chicago GOP operative went shopping for Hillary's emails, telling hackers he knew General Flynn. Uh oh.

While everyone is focussed on the facelift tweets, this is really bad news for Trump. The wolves are definitely at the door of Michael Flynn, and there's a reason to look for a "bridge" to the Trump campaign. Even Hugh Hewitt is intrigued? Uh oh.

Unfortunately, while his is one of those stories that is actually a bombshell, but by now the story is so convoluted that it makes everyone's eyes glaze over. It appeared on page FIVE of the print edition of the Wall Street Journal, for crying out loud.

But Robert Mueller's eyes won't glaze over at this. He's just going to put three or four expert investigators on the case and find out who in Team Trump was trying to hack/buy/steal or beg for...wait for it....


The Wall Street Journal reports that a GOP operative, Peter W. Smith,

assembled a group of technology experts, lawyers and a Russian-speaking investigator based in Europe to acquire emails the group theorized might have been stolen from the private server Mrs. Clinton used as secretary of state.

He also promised those he was asking that he knew Michael Flynn.

According to the article, US Intelligence has proof of "Russian hackers discussing how to obtain emails from Mrs. Clinton’s server and then transmit them to Mr. Flynn via an intermediary, according to U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence."

Smith told all the hackers who claimed to have Hillary's emails, and he was in touch with at least FIVE, that they should forward on the emails to Wikileaks. Yeah.

What I find interesting about the MTP Daily clip above is how Hugh Hewitt doesn't wear his right wing radio host, "lets look at the Rosenstein memo and the Project Veritas tape" hat to this panel. He wears his attorney hat, and what he concludes is, THIS is worth Robert Mueller's time.

HUGH HEWITT: I think the "collusion" story was dead until Shane's excellent story came along, and then all of a sudden, the Mueller team will be sending out preservation orders to everyone mentioned in this, so they can find out if indeed there is a bridge between General Flynn and Mr. Smith, a bridge that was encouraged by Mr. Flynn and encouraged by his bosses at the campaign. There is no evidence of collusion yet, but there is a new path to investigate because of Shane's most excellent story.

And if one of the hackers the GOP operative contacted was Guccifer2? Hugh Hewitt calls that contact flat out "illegal."

When you've lost Hugh Hewitt as a spokesperson for the "there was no collusion!! Witch hunt!" propaganda, watch out.

We'll see if Donald lasts long enough for Mueller to end his presidency.

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