Does Trump Believe Russia Interfered With Election? Sean Spicer Feigns Ignorance
A "yes or no question" was too much for Spicer.
Sean Spicer refused to answer if Donald Trump believes the Russian government interfered in the 2016 general election.
Today was the first time Spicer appeared on camera in over a week and the press was very tame on the embattled press secretary.
During a short press conference, he was asked a "yes or no" question on Trump's true feelings about Russia's election meddling.
Reporter, "Plainly, a yes or no answer. Does President Trump believe that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 elections?"
This isn't a gotcha question either, Sean.
Instead of saying "No" -- Spicer made believe the topic never came up before in their conversations. Qhen CNN's Jim Acosta tried to follow up (since we know how Trump feels), Spicer ignored him.
Spicer replied, "I think, I have not sat down and talked to him about that specific thing, obviously we've been dealing with a lot of other issues today. I'd be glad to touch base --
The reporter followed up, "Generally speaking this conversation about Russian interference in our elections, there's 16 intelligence agencies that say that they did. The former FBI director said without a doubt the Russians interfered --"
Spicer remarked, "I understand, I've seen the reports."
Obviously our intelligence community carries no sway with the Trump administration.
"Does the president share those views?"
"I have not sat down and asked him about the specific reaction. I'd be glad to touch base with him and get back to you," Sean said.
Since Trump has practically tweeted himself into an obstruction of justice charge over his rage-filled beliefs on Russia, Spicer's answer is beyond belief and an affront to the American people.
Off camera, Jim Acosta spoke out, "Didn't he [Trump] say it was fake news, Sean?"
Sean ignored him and pointed to somebody else.
Trump is never shy about his true feelings on Twitter so maybe Sean should DM his boss if he really doesn't know what Trump believes?
OK, we know that he knows what Trump believes.
Sean is just lying again.