Sen. Warren Warns 'American Women Are Here To Fight Back' On 'Mean Healthcare Bill'
Senator Warren wearily explained (again) why defunding Planned Parenthood is stupid.
Senator Elizabeth Warren went down to the Senate floor this afternoon to (once again) explain to Republican men why defunding Planned Parenthood is deathcare, not healthcare.
She also warned that American women aren't going to sit still for this misogynistic tax cut bill wrapped in the pretense of a healthcare reform bill.
You bet we aren't. We're the mothers of children who need healthcare even after they're grown up as well as the ones who are young. And as one of those mothers, I am here to tell you that I will do whatever I can with whatever power I have to: a) stop this from ever becoming law; and b) to make sure the horrible people who think this is a good idea are removed from office as soon as possible.
Because yes, "American women are here to fight back."
Count me in.