Trump Openly Blames Obama For Otto Wambier's Death

Classless is Trump's middle name.

After a presser with the Ukrainian president, when asked about the death of Otto Warmbier, stunningly Trump wasted no time in blaming President Obama.

When asked by a reporter how he would respond about the news that Warmbier has died, Trump replied, "Otto, it's a total disgrace what happened to Otto."

"And it should never, ever be allowed to happen and frankly, if he were brought home sooner I think the result would have been a lot different. He should have been brought home that same day and the result would have been different, but what happened to Otto was a disgrace."

After his comments, MSNBC cut back to Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle, who were stunned that Trump, in no uncertain terms, blamed Otto's death on President Obama.

Velshi said, "That was pretty incredible. A moment when President Trump said 'a total disgrace' what happened to Otto Warmbier and then without missing a beat, blamed President Obama."

Velshi continued, "President Trump, there are three other Americans being held in North Korea, if bringing home these people was that easy, why didn't you bring four of them back?"

"What an incredible moment - [an] opportunity for greatness that President Trump missed there," Velshi said.

Co-host Ruhle asked Steve Kornacki, "Was that not stunning?...his parents got to see him, extraordinary that the president would immediately make this political."

Kornacki said that most presidents do not attack their predecessor so quickly after they took office.

As we know, Trump is classless.

He's been an abject failure so far in office, but he could have single-handedly brought home Otto Warmbier, on his back, through the swamps! Just like you'd see in an old Chuck Norris movie! Because he says he can.

And because his brainwashed MAGA cultists will go along with it.

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