Trump Really Is Just An Angry Fox News Viewer

How scary is that?

The best way to describe Donald Trump so far is that he's a typical elderly Fox News viewer, with a median age of 72, who yells at the TV.

I know them well, since some of them are family members. During Obama's presidency, I'd often ask--during which time they were living well--why they were so upset and why they watched so much Fox News.

The answer that almost always came up was that they wanted to get out their frustrations.

Donald Trump is acting the same exact way, only he's been doing it since he announced his candidacy and most likely the day after he won the election.

He's made no secret that he doesn't like to read and he views cable TV news at all hours for his information. But mostly he watches it to see himself, and routinely shoots off tweets about the whether the coverage he receives is "fair" or "unfair."

However, you'd think he'd yell at the tube more discreetly since he occupies the Oval Office now, right?

Instead, he's losing it more than even the average Fox News viewer.

It's very unsettling that he has the nuclear codes.

To illustrate my point, here's a passage from an AP News report.

Trump advisers and confidantes describe the president as increasingly angry over the investigation, yelling at television sets in the White House carrying coverage and insisting he is the target of a conspiracy to discredit — and potentially end — his presidency.

Some of his ire is aimed at Rosenstein and investigative special counsel Robert Mueller, both of whom the president believes are biased against him, associates say.

Rosenstein was equaled freaked out by Trump's tirade and shot off his own bizarrely phrased tweet about being careful to not put too much stock in leaks and anonymous sources.

These types of screaming, rage-filled Fox News viewers constantly focus on "liberal media" bias and conspiracy theories.

They agree with these nutty theories, contribute to them, create them, and even retweet them to defend their increasingly unhinged behavior.

Now it's happening in the White House.

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