Trump Will Live Tweet James Comey Hearing

Let's hope his tweets are entered into evidence of a prosecution.

The King of the Twitter trolls, Donald Trump will now be tweeting the James Comey hearing.

What could possibly go wrong?

This morning on MSNBC, Hallie Jackson played clips of Republicans expressing their unhappiness with Trump's Twitter habits. The always excellent Robert Costa explained that the ongoing investigations into Russia have made the GOP very nervous.

Trump's tweets are not helping.

Jackson said that the proposed "war room' to combat Comey's testimony never materialized.

Costa replied, "I was just talking to some White House officials this morning and their view is that the president himself wants to be the messenger, his own warrior, his own lawyer, his own spokesman. There is no war room."

What, Reince Priebus, Jared Kushner, and Steve Bannon couldn't put it together? Or were they busy leaking against each other?

(And don't forget, when something this major falls apart at the White House, you can expect some Jeffrey Lord type surrogates manning the airwaves later in the day. Guaranteed.)

Costa continued, "But the president is expected to be tweeting on Thursday in response to Comey, not to stay quiet during the testimony because he himself wants to be the one driving the process.”

(In today's Washington Examiner, their board writes "@realDonaldTrump, delete your account.")

Tim Carney from the Washington Examiner then said, "A lot of his supporters think all he's doing is sort of trolling the liberal media, trolling the elites."

He said the message from Congressional Republicans is, "We want you to stop tweeting."

Trump likes to anger people all around him, whether they are supporters or the media. He LOVES to keep all the attention focused on himself, being the narcissistic neanderthal that he is, so he'll never, ever stop tweeting unless some extraordinary conditions take hold.

Duncan Black aptly describes Trump this way, "He's a senile racist old man who watches Fox news and gets pissed off and otherwise doesn't know anything about anything who thinks he is super smart and thinks all deals are zero sum the end."

Only Trump knows what's best. I imagine he screams at the television like my 'crazy uncle' until Fox and Friends comes on.

Hey Republicans, you hitched your wagon to this. He's forever linked to you, your party, and your brand. Good luck.

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