Where I Call Bullsh*t On Ted Nugent's Call For Kinder, Gentler Discourse

Of course he would say that NOW. His guy is in the White House.

Republican lawmakers shot on a baseball field was just too much for NRA board member Ted Nugent. Children slaughtered in school, churchgoers executed without so much as an "Amen"? No big deal.

But holy crap, Ted has seen the light now that Republicans were in the crosshairs.

“At the tender age of 69, my wife has convinced me I just can’t use those harsh terms,” he told 77WABC Radio. “I cannot and will not and I encourage even my friends/enemies on the left, in the Democrat and liberal world, that we have got to be civil to each other.”

Seriously, Ted? We're just supposed to forget everything you've said -- and DONE, as NRA board member -- so we can join hands and sing Kumbaya?

Let's review. There's that time Nugent told Bernie Sanders to "eat sh*t and die."

Here's when Nugent posted a fake video of Bernie shooting Hillary during a gun debate.

The time he went after Jews.

Here we have him calling for the extermination of liberals.

“I don’t care why he’s foaming at the mouth, I don’t care how he got rabies, he’s rabid, get rid of the damn dog,” he said. “When Old Yeller brings us slippers, give him a biscuit; when he foams at the mouth, you shoot him between the eyes. Any questions? You got to do it. America, you got to cleanse this country. No, I’m not talking about shooting anybody. I’m talking about dealing with an outrageous condition that is painful and traumatic and frustrating, but if you don’t face the beast, you’re dead, and that’s what’s going on.”

He continued: “I don’t really care why Barack Obama is the enemy of America. I don’t really care why Nancy Pelosi is a braindead, vicious freak. I don’t care how Sheila Jackson Lee is allowed to stay in power.”

“Or why Harry Reid is a piece of crap,” host Alex Jones interjected.

Nugent went on to claim that liberal Democrats are “subhuman freaks,” while Jones wondered how America “could be ruled by such gibbering weirdos.” “If I didn’t laugh I’d probably throw up blood, it’s so insane,” Nugent said.

Nugent concluded that liberals want everyone “bending over and taking it in the ass,” and can only be thwarted by great leaders like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

Then there was the time he called for Hillary Clinton and President Obama to be hanged over Benghazi. Or, if you'd like, the moment he called for Hillary to be put in jail and "illegals" to be shot on the spot.

Here's another hate-filled rant, where he suggested Obama was the racist.

And of course, that time he called Obama a "subhuman mongrel" and then doubled down on that, saying it was actually too nice.

After all of that, which coincidentally was Nugent's default tone for the entire duration of Obama's presidency, he would like us all to be kinder and gentler? Of course he would. He's got everything he worked so hard for 8 years to attain. He and his cohorts spewed enough hate, stoked enough racism, stirred a hunger for violence for eight full years, and now their work is done.

He's not at all repentant for what said and incited when Obama was in office. Spare me his concern now.

Listen to his interview below.

(h/t RawStory)

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