Alex Jones Warns Viewers About Terrible 'PigGorillas' - 'They're Talking!'

But he is not on drugs and not delusional. Okay, then.

Alex Jones swore to Megyn Kelly that he's not on drugs, and yeah, he hawks supplements that aren't supposed to do anything but maybe beef up testosterone levels -- or at least, they claim to. But even for Jones, this is bizarre.

"Folks, I have hundreds of articles I see every week about human-animal chimeras with no rights. You talked about people you know in research labs, I’ve talked to them too," Jones warned. I wonder, is he talking about speaking to human-animal chimeras or people in research labs?

I ask, because he continued, "You see humanoids, they’re like 80 percent gorilla, 80 percent pig, and they’re talking."

Wow, PigGorillas and they're talking! And if they're 80 percent gorilla AND 80 percent pig, that's 160 percent so really?

Jones seems particularly concerned about pedophiles made in labs. Yes, that's right. Pedophiles.

"We need to make this illegal. This needs to be illegal. They’re talking about making it illegal to make child pedophile robots," he fretted "Ok. Ok, make that illegal. But what about the humans spliced with animals? I mean this is beyond pedophilia."

Joking about PigGorillas aside, Alex Jones is on something. He's not living in any kind of normal reality, and this goes beyond performance art into delusional, out-of-reality thinking.

He needs help. Stat.

(h/t Media Matters)

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