David Gergen: 'Letting Obamacare Die' Is 'Immoral Dereliction Of Duty'

As president, Trump is supposed to protect America's security and health...not hope for pain and suffering.

Former presidential advisor to four administrations, David Gergen, told CNN that Trump letting Obamacare fail for political gain "seems to be not only immoral, but it's a dereliction of duty."

On CNN's Newsroom, Gergen was discussing if Trump can turn his administration around.

Gergen explained that the first six months is so important to a new presidency. He said Trump could still turn his presidency around and pointed out that Bill Clinton had a rough first six months, but was willing to learn and change to help his presidency succeed.

Gergen said, "Donald Trump shows no signs of wanting to change. If anything he seems more set in his patterns. It's very difficult to turn the ship around when the president himself wants to keep going in the same direction."

CNN's John Berman asked if Trump executed a few smaller things, would it help him?

The CNN analyst said he can do small things, but they wouldn't revive his administration.

Gergen said, "He has to go for one or two big wins. I don't think he can walk away from health care and to just say, "Let it fail." The questions you were just asking the last segment, that seems to me to be -- to let Americans suffer for your political gains so you've got a better chance of passing health care bill it just seems to be not only immoral, but it's a dereliction of duty."

He continued, "You have to, as president, be president of all the people and protect their security and their health, and I think this president needs to step up to that."

The cruelty Trump showed after the Senate health care bill went down in flames yesterday was unconscionable.

Declaring that "I'm not going to own" healthcare as it is right now, Trump demonstrated that his cruel narcissism is a huge problem for our country.

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