Eric Trump: Forget Russia, Where's Special Counsel For Loretta Lynch?
And the stupid doesn't stop there.
Eric Trump made the ludicrous claims to Fox and Friends that it was illegal for former president Bill Clinton, to have an impromptu meeting with Loretta Lynch and it should be investigated.
In defending his father, Eric jumped on the standard Trump surrogate talking points: anything Trump administration is accused of doing or has already done, just blame others starting with Hillary Clinton and President Obama.
Eric avoided answering any questions about AG Jeff Sessions, his leak investigations and losing favor with his father... and switched topics to the investigations, which he labels as the "the greatest witch hunt of all time."
He said, "It’s disheartening for me to watch them pile on to him with nonsense Russia investigations. There’s nothing there"
"It is the greatest witch hunt of all time but then you see the crimes that other people get away with. You look at Loretta Lynch. She hasn’t even been subpoenaed. How has Loretta Lynch not been subpoenaed? Where is she? Where are all these enraged Senators?” Eric whimpered.
What crime did Loretta Lynch commit, Eric?
I'm waiting.
Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton is not a crime, no matter how many times you sob like a child. And with the right wing freak out, Lynch did recuse herself from the Clinton investigation and the FBI investigating HRC's email server.
Eric then went on to list the other basic surrogate talking points about uranium sales, the Clinton Foundation and Saudi Arabia.
"It seems like it's a one-way pile on," Eric said.
Eric then went even further saying, "There are legitimate crimes over there and everybody has proof about it. You don't have any proof on Russia. There is nothing there, but you do have proof that Loretta Lynch was on an airplane with Bill Clinton while they were investigating his wife. --- it can be a one-way street."
Loretta Lynch was not part of a hostile foreign government trying to meet and influence members of the Obama administration.
And lest Fox and Friends forget, the Republicans hounded Hillary with eight Benghazi and private server investigations.
On the other hand, we have the entire U.S. intelligence services tell America that Russia hacked and interfered in our 2016 election to help Trump win.
And then we have Trump campaign operatives lying about having meetings with Russian operatives during the campaign and some were caught on intercepts.
The only thing one-sided about the Russia investigations is how hard Trump and his operatives have been trying to shut down those investigations.