Fox News Pundit Wants To Slam Her 'Head Against A Table' Over Trump's NYT Interview

Whining about AG Jeff Sessions is driving some conservative supporters to drink.

On Fox Business Network, conservative Lisa Boothe told Stuart Varney that after hearing Trump criticizing AG Jeff Sessions, "I would like to slam my head against the table."

Donald Trump gave over a fifty minute interview to the NY Times and in one segment the president said he'd never have hired Sessions, his first ally in the Senate, if he knew Sessions was going to recuse himself from Russia investigations.

On FBN's Varney & Co., host Stuart Varney played audio of this and asked Lisa Boothe her reaction to what she had just heard.

Varney was equally taken aback and asked, "What's your reaction and why would he do this?"

Boothe replied, "I would like to slam my head against the table, but it would probably hurt."

She criticized Trump for even granting an interview with the NY Times. Listen Lisa, Trump can't hide on Fox News and the 700 Club forever, and besides, he'd probably say the same things to Alex Jones.

Lisa continued, "...a fifty-minute interview and then proceed to ramble about all this different stuff."

Boothe is a supporter of Trump's agenda but is really mad that Trump can't be trusted with giving a basic interview.

"He 's constantly undermining that success and hurting himself by doing things like this and he needs to avoid the Russia issue and move on to these big ticket items to make America great again and this hurts him and it hurts this process," she said.

Varney noticed how frustrated she was by Trump's actions: "You walked onto the set 20 minutes ago and you were all bubbly and lively and now I think we've put you in the (garbled) -- have we? Are you in despair for the Republican party?"

Boothe replied, I am, you know. It's too early for a glass of wine."

Varney replied, "Yes, it is."

Turns out it's gotten so bad with Trump, he's even driving conservatives to drink.

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