Fox News' Gillian Turner: McConnell's 'Repeal Only' Plan Is An 'Abomination'

Fox News analyst bashed Mitch McConnell and Congressional Republicans for their new repeal now and replace later fiasco.

Gillian Turner told the Fox News' Outnumbered crew that Mitch McConnell's "repeal only" is an "abomination." She called the plan a 'failure.'

Fox News' "Outnumbered" opened their show by discussing Trump's weird lunch invitation to the over fifty Republicans Senators who failed to pass their health care bill.

Meghan McCain remarked that when Trump and the House Republicans posed for their photo-op after passing their health care bill it had made her nervous.

McCain said, "I don't have a lot of high hopes you're gonna get something out of one lunch meeting."

Co-host Harris Faulkner commented on the images of the bus they were watching and said, "The Senators loading up on that bus you see in our center screen left. -- You know Gillian, as I'm hearing Meghan speak, I'm wondering within all of this, what is going on inside that bus?"

Turner came down on Congressional Republicans like a ton of bricks.

She said, "I think we're being generous when we're talking Majority leader McConnell's new plan to repeal now and replace later. That is called failure."

Gillian continued, "It's not a plan, it's Congress doing again what Congress does best, which is kicking the can down the road and living under this delusion that if they can just delay, delay, delay, somehow magically all their problems will be solved at some unknown later date."

"The lesson of health care so far for this administration is that time is not getting any more votes," she said. "This is something they did a few years ago during the Obama administration with the defense sequester and it turned out to be the most calamitous, horrible thing to ever happen to the Department of Defense and now they're trying to do it with Americans health care. I think it's an abomination."

Harris asked, "I sort of get why they did it this way because everyone has skin in the game. Does that work on Capitol Hill?"

Turner replied, "It works like from a political optic. When the president says 'we're gonna let Obamacare fail.' That's not a plan.

Meghan said, "It's already dead in the water. They don't have enough votes to even make that happen so I don't even know why we are discussing this."

As "Outnumbered Guy" Fox News's Chris Stirewalt said, Trump wants revenge for the loss: "It's about punishing Republicans."

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