Jared Kushner Turns Tail And Runs

Jared Kushner read off a very brief statement and then refused to take any questions from the press.

After being questioned in a closed door Senate Intelligence Committee session about the Russia investigations, Jared Kushner read a brief statement and took no questions from reporters.

In another day of the bizarre, Trump's son-in-law robotically read some prepared remarks that pivoted off his statement about not colluding with the Russians.

"I did not collude with Russia, nor do I know of anyone else in the campaign who did so," he said.

The closed-door session became hotter when the news broke of an unreported meeting in Trump Tower that he had forgotten to mention previously. There were eight people in that meeting including those who were connected to the Kremlin. The meeting was orchestrated by email by Don Jr. Don Jr.'s emails proved that those attending were aware of the promise that the Russians had powerful information to hurt the Clinton campaign.

Kushner left that part out during his quick presser.

And he suggested that anyone bringing the issue up of Russian collusion or interference in the 2016 election is "denigrating American voters who voted for Trump."

Kushner said, " Trump had a better message and ran a smarter campaign and that is why he won."

Kushner read his statement with a staccato/machine-like pronunciation.

"Suggesting otherwise ridicules those who voted for him," Jared said.

Kushner lives in a Trump fact-free zone, and sticks to the company line.

Sen. Ron Wyden responded to Kushner's statement:

"Kushner has repeatedly concealed information about his personal finances and meetings with foreign officials. There should be no presumption that he is telling the whole truth in this statement."

You can't believe a single word this spoiled pal and loan recipient of Russian Oligarchs says:

The ladies of Fox News' Outnumbered, who were excited that Kushner might take questions after he made a statement, are sure to be disappointed with his performance. They were very concerned that Jared attending this meeting was keeping him from solving the Middle East peace problem.

h/t Heather

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