Kellyanne Conway Plays 'Fun With Words' For Hannity's Viewers
The sad part is that her gimmicky Glenn Beckish presentation will play with Fox News viewers.
Kellyanne Conway ripped a page out of Glenn Beck's book for her appearance on Sean Hannity's show...sort of.
She came prepared to defend Trump Junior's perfidy with some visual aids and a goal to play fun with words.
"This is how I see it so far," Kellyanne said, as she raised up her sign.
"What's the conclusion? Collusion? No. You don't have that yet," she instructed as she crossed out the word "collusion."
"I see 'illusion' and 'delusion'. Conclusion, collusion, no. Illusion, delusion, yes. I just thought we'd have some fun with words."
Hannity generously offered to provide her with a white board next time. He might also want to put some definitions up, since most of the Fox News crowd probably doesn't know words that long.
Twitter is having lots of fun with it.
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