McConnell Delays Trumpcare Vote After McCain's Surgery

This is a good chance for those hard-right religious zealots to accept their sign from God.

Every one of those pious, God-fearing, Bible-thumping righties in the Senate ought to be on their knees thanking God for such a clear sign that Trumpcare would be their path to eternal damnation.

Thanks to Senator John McCain, the vote has been delayed for at least a week while he recovers from surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye.

The Washington Post reports that McConnell delayed the vote upon hearing the news that McCain would need at least a week in which to recover from the surgery while awaiting the biopsy on the tissue removed.

The news of McCain's surgery followed a tumultuous day for Trumpcare in which Pence went to the National Governors' Association meeting with his quiver full of bribes and threats, particularly for Governor Brian Sandoval of Nevada.

It did not go well.

But the closed-door session with Price and Verma on Saturday was "pretty atrocious," said Connecticut Democratic Gov. Dan Malloy.

"They repeatedly pretended that the federal government saving hundreds of billions of dollars won't translate to actual cuts," he said. "I was told that I'll innovate sufficiently to save them hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars."

Republicans also emerged from the meeting saying they remain concerned about the long-term financial fallout of the bill.


"It is a huge challenge for us in terms of communicating what the future is going to be like to our health care providers," Hutchinson told CNN after the meeting. "That is the challenge for governors -- we're on the front lines here. ... It's the long term that people want to know about."

Another key governor, Nevada Republican Brian Sandoval, told reporters afterward that he remained concerned about the bill's elimination of funding for Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, which led 210,000 Nevadans to gain coverage. Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller has closely linked his vote to Sandoval's position.

Mike Pence has a penchant for claiming he's God's little messenger. This is one time where it looks like John McCain is playing that role. Let's hope those GOP fundies take a hint and stand down.

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