Meghan McCain: Vice President Pence Lied On Russia

Sen. McCain's daughter called out the Trump administration for dishonesty on meeting with Russian contacts.

On Fox News' Outnumbered, Meghan McCain bashed Trump officials, including Mike Pence for lying to the American people for their repeated denials over meeting with people connected to the Russian government during the campaign.

After former Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer tried to downplay the Trump Jr. emails that prove a willingness to collude with Russia, as only proving "bad judgment" for a willingness to gather opp-research.

Co-host Sandra Smith turned to Meghan McCain, who has dealt with opp-research during her father's campaign and asked, "What do you make of what we've learned so far?"

Many conservative pundits are trying very hard to "keep their cool" over this new revelation and what it truly means, but some still are striking out at the Trump administration.

McCain threw some shade on the "treasonous" aspect of what we learned so far but was most disturbed when the emails stated, "high level and sensitive information, but it is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

McCain said, "I think that's going to get them in the most trouble. There's no ambiguity left. "

"For a while, we had everyone from Donald Trump Jr., Mike Pence, Kellyanne Conway saying 'absolutely no, we've got no meetings whatsoever with any Russian government officials whatsoever."

She continued, "Vice President Pence said this. That is now a lie, which is where they are going to get in trouble." McCain said.

As Meghan said, there's no ambiguity left. Trump officials lied to the American people when they said they had no contact with anybody representing the Russian government.

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