Paul Ryan's Dress Code For Women - Sleeves And Pumps, Ladies!

Mr. Backwards Baseball Cap expects women to dress in the same manner as the era the GOP wants to recreate: the 1800's.

The Speaker of the House, the backwards-baseball-cap-wearing Republican, is very prim and proper. Perhaps he's following the example of one of today's highest-ranking Republicans, the "VP," Mike Pence, who can't be alone with another woman without his wife present? Who knows with this bunch of misogynists?

You'd think someone who dreamed of taking people's healthcare and Social Security away at keggers could handle women without sleeves, but he's feeling faint, clutching his pearls from the sight of bare shoulders and toes.

That's because his Republican Party seems hell bent on taking women back to the good old days, you know, the 19th Century.

According to CBS News, multiple female journalists have reported that they’ve been turned away from the speaker’s lobby due to their bare shoulders — a policy not shared by either the Senate or the White House.

The new dress code appears to first have been enforced in May, when, according to the report, Independent Journal Review‘s Haley Byrd was kicked out of the lobby due to violating the rule.

Thank goodness the House is focused on the important matters concerning America, especially when a chimpanzee with a machine gun is heading up the Executive Branch. The House really needs to worry about the distraction caused by those bare shoulders and exposed tootsies? Well, Michelle Obama did show her arms, so that image must be erased at all costs. I guess it's important, right?

This suddenly arbitrary rule punishes those affected by the hot and humid misery of the DC swamp which is pretty rough during the hot Summer months. It's very Christian of him to stop those women who want to prevent overheating. That's because Republicans care so much about appearances, and nothing shows good manners like rescinding healthcare for most of America. Priorities people.

There's never any hypocrisy in the GOP, right?

In late June, after bringing the House to order, Ryan reminded House members to “wear appropriate business attire,” on the floor. Apparently, the coverage of women’s toes and shoulders is important business for the current House leader.

This is what these unethical Republicans are focusing on while denying women pre-natal care and life-saving health screenings. This is your GOP, ladies and gentlemen.

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