UPDATED: Reince Preibus Out; DHS Secretary John Kelly New White House Chief Of Staff
There has apparently been a shakeup at the White House.
In a series of tweets just now, Donald Trump announced that he booted Reince Priebus out and will be replacing him with DHS Secretary John Kelly.
And the obligatory kiss of death for Reince:
So a general will be taking over as Chief of Staff. A general with no real understanding of how things get done in Washington.
But still, a general.
Does that creep you out as much as it does me?
Here's apparently how they fired him:
I'm surprised Miller and Scavino didn't gag and hogtie him first. Not that I have a lot of sympathy for the guy -- he's earned everything he's getting right now.
In other news, no one at Department of Homeland Security has been notified that the boss has a new job and is leaving the department. So is Kelly just going to do both? Is Trump in the process of consolidating power around generals?
Stay tuned, I'll update as I hear.
UPDATE 2: Apparently Trump was pissed that Reince didn't punch Scaramucci back. WTF is the matter with these idiots?
It does sound as though Kelly resigned, since a CNN reporter read his parting statement to DHS on the air.
Apparently there is speculation that Bannon could be next.