Sen. Al Franken Deconstructs Right Wing Narrative On Ukraine 'Collusion' With Clintons

It doesn't take much for Trump surrogates to create new conspiracy theories.

During today's Senate hearing for Christopher Wray, Sen. Al Franken took a few minutes to refute the right wing narrative that Ukraine and the Clinton campaign were colluding against Trump and were just as guilty as the Russians during their election interference and collusion attempts.

Franken said, "And, for the record, Senator [Lindsey] Graham [(R-SC)], I think he would have made a great FBI agent and I'm glad that also he's in the Senate."

He continued, "That said, I don't know about the article, the January Politico article, that suggests that someone in the Ukraine wanted to pass some information off to the [Hillary] Clinton campaign, but I think I know the answer to this -- I think you know the answer to the question."

"Did the Ukraine -- or Ukraine, rather -- hack the RNC's database? Did they hack Kellyanne Conway? Did the Clintons want to build a hotel in Kiev? I think there's a big difference here and we know what Russia did and that's a big deal. And thank you for saying that part of your job is making sure it doesn't happen again," Franken said.

The Washington Post's Philip Bump took the time to also deconstruct the new Trump surrogate talking points that were created from a single Politico article back in January.

One of the Trump camp's most trusted subterfuge methods is to always blame either Obama or the Clintons for doing something they allege is either equal to or much worse than anything Trump has done.

Since Sarah Huckabee Sanders' decided to lie today about Ukraine during the White House briefing, let's reiterate:

  1. Ukranian meeting was warning of Russian interference
  2. Ukranian meeting was not with the Clinton campaign
  3. Ukraine is not an enemy
  4. Ukraine did not hack our elections or try to commit illegal acts
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