Shepard Smith Destroys Trump's 'Witch Hunt' Tweet: 'Fox News Can Confirm, It Is Not'

Once again Shepard Smith performs like a true journalist.

Fox News' Shepard Smith took his time this afternoon and thoroughly debunked many of Trump's tweets and statements regarding Russian investigations, Trump Jr's transparency and his unreported email and meeting with Russian operatives.

Smith explained that junior couldn't be transparent since he only released his emails because the NY Times told him that they were ready to print them.

Smith went as far as saying, "Then there's the president's claim that the Russian investigation is a witch hunt. Fox News can confirm, it is not."

"Current and former US officials confirm there is absolutely no doubt that Russian interfered in our election, put its thumbs on the scales of democracy and that Vladimir Putin ordered the thumbs - and all the meddling and lots of different kinds of meddling in different ways attempting to change our democracy from Moscow! And some people think it's okay. It's astounding."

Smith also should own all the nonsense coming from Trump surrogates claiming Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya had no ties to her government and cited the The Daily Beast that reports,"The Russian lawyer has ties to the Russian military and intelligence officials including officials from two of the Kremlin's top intelligence agencies..."

Shep continued, "This is not a variable. This is not an unknown. She is fully tied to the Russian government and Russian oligarchs - there is no doubt."

Shepard Smith continues to perform admirably on a network that appeases the Trump administration at every turn.

There is no variable and there is no doubt that Trump Jr, Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort all went to this meeting with the intent on colluding with the Russian government.

Any questions?

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