Fox & Friends Uses 12-Year-Old To Celebrate Dear Leader Trump

Creepy! After using a 9-year-old Trump fan to celebrate the dear leader, state-run television Fox and Friends now graduates to a 12-year-old?

Donald Trump had a truly terrible, awful, horrible week from hell last week. To offset that, Trump's state-run program "Fox and Friends" brought on 12-year-old Trump super fan Millie March, to bash President Obama and encourage all Trump supporters that he's really doing a tremendous job.

Last week Trump and F&F used "Pickle," a nine-year-old Trump fan, for a PR boost. Today they went a little older.

Millie March is a very cute girl and her father says they "don't tell her what to think."

Co-host Ainsley admired her for being extra smart because she loves Trump so much.

Doocy asked, "What is it about Donald Trump you like so much?"

Millie said, β€œHe is doing an amazing job as president. He is even trying to repeal Obamacare right now. He is doing the best job as a president you can you ever do.”

Millie exclaimed, "[Trump] has done more good in the past six months than Obama has in the past 8 years.”

Maybe her parents should clue her in a little bit to the truth of the day instead of letting her watch and parrot what she hears on Fox News so much.

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