Trump Turns Boy Scout Jamboree To 'America First' Rally

Disgraceful. Is he trying to create a Trump Youth?

Donald Trump gave a speech to the 2017 National Scout Jamboree in West Virginia and turned it into a stump speech politicizing the motives of the Boy Scouts of America and bashing the federal government.

His speech sounded like something a fascist ruler would be giving at one of their youth indoctrination seminars.

Trump thanked the moms and dads of America and praised the BSA's values and traditions before he turned it into his narcissistic political viewpoint that was highly inappropriate, to say the least.

Trump said, "The United States has no better citizens than its boy scouts. No better."


"The values, traditions, and skills you learn here will serve you throughout your life and just as importantly, they will serve your families, your cities, and in the future and in the present will serve your country. The scouts believe in putting America first," Trump said.

When did the BSA clearly ratify Trump's positions, ever?

I was waiting for him to brag about his electoral college victory1 and how the popular vote was stolen from him by millions of fraudulent votes cast by brown people, but instead he launched into an anti-Washington, DC/U.S. government screed, straight out of Steve Bannon's playbook.

"You know, I go to Washington and I see all these politicians and I see the swamp and it's not a good place. In fact, today I said we ought to change it from the word "swamp" to the word "cesspool" or perhaps to the word "sewer," but it's not good, not good."

He continued, "And I see what's going on and believe me I would much rather be with you."

Watching this portion of the speech, I wondered if Trump was trying to start his own nationalistic youth movement and change their emphasis from religious values and helping others to that of being loyal to Trump's ego.

And this is just as appalling:

And this:

And this:

And more:

1 Ed. Note: He did, in fact, relive his "Grand Victory" with them at a different point in his speech. He also riffed on repealing Obamacare, threatened Tom Price, and pressured Senator Capito on repeal. At a Boy Scout Jamboree.

UPDATE 1: Trump brings back his inauguration whine:

UPDATE 2: Trump's imbecilic behavior during his speech forced a response from the By Scouts of America:

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