PUNKED: Bannon Impersonator Fools Breitbart Editors

@SINON_REBORN rides again! First he punks the White House, now Breitbart editors.

For all the pixels devoted to Hillary Clinton's emails, she or her staff never fell for email impersonators like @SINON_REBORN. On the other hand, White House officials and now Breitbart's editors have, proving that when you're a Trumpster or just a right wing agitator you don't have to bother with fact checks or even the most basic email hygiene, apparently.

Jake Tapper and Oliver Darcy bring us the latest on Sinon Reborn's escapades with email, which include Breitbart's editors promising they'll do Bannon's dirty work for him.

In the emails, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow pledged that he and several other top editors would do Bannon's "dirty work" against White House aides. The emails were shared with CNN by the prankster.


"Reading online about how i'll be bringing forth my wrath on Ivanka and Jared," read an email sent Sunday from the fake Bannon account to Marlow. "I'd be doing this great nation a service if I did."

"I spooked em today," replied Marlow. "Did five stories on globalist takeover positioning you as only hope to stop it."

"You need to own that, just have surrogates do the dirty work. Boyle, Raheem, me, Tony have been waiting for this," Marlow added, referring to Washington editor Matthew Boyle, Breitbart London Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam, and reporter Tony Lee.

They also repeated a smear against Jared and Ivanka Trump, promising "Bannon" they'd have them out of the White House by the end of the year, if not sooner. CNN did not elaborate on the smear, saying they didn't want to repeat baseless gossip.

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow deflected criticism of the email, claiming that they didn't need to punk editors to discover they're anti-globalists. That may in fact be true. However, that's not the only discovery coming out of this prank. We now have confirmation that there is a complete absence of skepticism within Breitbart's upper editorial echelons as long as their opinions are confirmed. It's also been confirmed that they're fine with baseless personal attacks and smears against Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump if it serves their larger purpose of bringing the White House to heel with their aims.

Speaking strictly for me, I just find it hilarious that this guy can be as outlandish as he is and still be seen as credible, merely because he's saying what they expect to hear.

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