Chuck Todd: 'Why Should We Or The Public Take Them At Their Word For Anything?'

Chuck Todd delivered an Olbermann-like Special Comment bashing the entire White House team, including surrogates for lying to the American people on an unprecedented scale.

NBC's Chuck Todd opened his show with a scathing monologue highlighting the many lies and purposefully misleading statements the Trump White House and their surrogates has made to the press and the American people in the last several weeks.

I'd say it was a Chuck Todd Special Comment moment.

Throughout his opening, Todd cut to video clips of those in Trump's camp that he singled out.

Todd said, "Tonight's lead is one that we as journalists don't take pleasure in writing. It's another when you mislead and get caught. and it's a whole another animal if you flat-out lie."

He continued, "It has been a mind numbing combination of shocking, frustrating and depressing because as bad as we thought the credibility crisis was it's gotten much worse. They've compounded misleading statements with misleading statements about those misleading statements. They've been caught in blatant contradictions and petty fabrications, where to begin."

He started with Don Trump Jr's misleading statement about his meeting Russian operatives and Jay Sekulow's response to them.

"So was Sekulow lying to me? Was he just misinformed? That we don't know and it's a question he needs to answer, but either way, what he said turned out not to be true," Todd said.

He played a clip of Corey Lewandowski telling him out of the blue that Richard Cordray should be fired. Todd asked, "Do you have a client a client that wants to see this happen?"

Corey replied, " No, no. I have no clients whatsoever."

Todd said, "That turned out to be demonstrably false."

Watch the entire monologue since he touches on so many insane things including Boy Scouts and Sean Spicer meeting with the guy promoting the fake Seth Rich story.

Todd continued, "These are just the tip of the iceberg."

"If they're going to potentially mislead us about everything from crowd sizes to campaign meetings to what was said at the boy scouts, throw out wildly unsubstantiated claims like Obama wire tapped my phones and 3 million illegal immigrants voted only for Hillary Clinton and then blast reporters for so-called fake news when they're called out on this nonsense, why should we or the public or Congress or the world take-them-at-their-word-at-anything?

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