Fake Klansmen And Protesters! CNN Debunks Charlottesville Conspiracy Theory

Who wouldn't believe a guy retelling a story from somebody who can now confirm that Martians are actually green.

CNN debunked a conspiracy theory being spread by rabid Trump supporters that alleges KKK and BLM protesters were paid actors bused in to Charlottesville to cause trouble for Donald Trump.

Earlier on CNN's News Day program, a group of Trump supporters said many wacky things, including how much they distrust the media and trust what their friends send them on Facebook.

"Six buses lined up and people were getting off the bus with KKK shirts on and BLM shirts, I'm like what? That may not sound credible to a lot of people, to us who don't trust the media, that could be very credible."

Camerota said, "That was a moment for our latest Trump voter panel and what they were saying there is that they believe that many of the protesters in Charlottesville were paid actors, bused in to cause trouble."

"I asked them to show me the evidence, so after our taping, they sent us this video that they saw on Youtube.

"This was all a setup, you understand the whole thing. First of all, you're not going to have on a KKK t-shirt and you're not going to have on a Black Lives Matter t-shirt getting off the same brand of buses, parked back to back. We're talking bumper-to-bumper. Not in the same area, bumper-to-bumper. I'm glad that the woman who told me this is okay, because she was in that alley. It was not in the street where those people got hit."

Camerota explained, "In other words, their source of this theory is some guy in a car whose friend told him she saw buses in an alley arriving. That video I just showed you has been viewed more than 840,000 times."

She continued, "He, that guy there, also linked to an ad for a PR company looking apparently for actors to appear at celebrity events and, yes, rallies and protests in Charlotte, North Carolina, not Charlottesville, Virginia."

Not that we'd expect these Trumpers to bother to try and source their conspiracies.

Alisyn, "Still, that's interesting, so we chased that thread, as reporters do, and we found out that the owner of that PR company says he had nothing to do with Charlottesville. Our reporters on the ground in Charlottesville saw nothing of any buses or what that guy in his car describes. The organizers of the rallies say they didn't hire any actors and Politifact looked into this this and rated this entire conspiracy theory as false."

Trump voters are embarrassing themselves if they take the word of a random guy in a car recounting a story he hard from somebody else from a video they saw on Facebook with no verification to defend the unhinged man sitting in the Oval Office.

But then again, they are on TV blindly supporting him.

Who wouldn't believe a guy retelling a story from somebody else who can now confirm that Martians are actually green?

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