Fox News Guest Calls Out Dems As 'Angry, Violent Mob'

For a libertarian millennial, Kristin Tate seems to have trouble with free speech she disagrees with.

Kristin Tate beamed into Thursday's Fox & Friends to feed some red meat to the conservative base, including the Lecher-in-Chief, who was surely watching.

"There is a permissive culture of violence that is really kind of exploding on the left," Tate worried. "And as time goes on, this kind of rhetoric and behavior becomes normalized and it escalates."

No, Kristin. "The Left" does not strut about town sporting semi-automatic weapons.

"The Left" does not get in cars and try to mow down people exercising their First Amendment rights to free speech and dissent, an ISIS tactic which has been adopted by right wing extremists, not left wing folks.

Kristin continued to clutch her pearls. "And I am worried that this kind of rhetoric, the logical extension of that is real violence, and frankly, we're already starting to see real violence happen."

Well hells to the yes, Kristin! We have a dead left-wing protester and another bunch injured by a right-wing Nazi who decided to visit some "real violence" on protesters. My guess is that he's sorry he only managed to kill ONE. I'm pretty sure he would have liked to take more out.

Fox & Friends presented their latest millennial fool as a contributor to The Hill, as if she had no bias. In fact, she markets herself as a libertarian, though I'm pretty sure she doesn't understand the meaning of that word.

Speaking of violent partisans, look who endorsed Kristin's book regurgitating far-right themes about government. That's right. Steve Bannon.

“This book is really special. Kristin is a firebrand, a tremendous investigative reporter, and this book is a real eye-opener.” -Stephen K. Bannon, Breitbart News Executive Chairman

Kristin is an intellectually dishonest idiot, which is apparently all it takes to get a Bannon endorsement.

There is no relationship with reality on Fox News. None. Kristin is just one of many who parade across the screen to build an alternate reality where the victimizers become the victims, and lies rule the world. Is it any wonder Trump got as far as he did?

(h/t MediaMatters)

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