Fox's Ralph Peters Blames Obama For Naval Crash This Weekend

Trying to explain why the USS John McCain crashed, the patented answer is to just blame Obama.

On this morning's Varney & Co., Fox News' Ralph Peters eventually blamed the second naval crash in the last two months, the USS John McCain on President Obama.

Guest host Ashley Webster asked Fox News' military and strategic analyst, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, why with our fabulous technology, these crashes keep happening.

At first, Peters blasted the officers and the crew, "The obvious conclusion is the officers on the bridge and the seamen don't have basic navigation skills. They don't, no longer are drilled in basic seamanship. They don't have the discipline they should."

Peter expressed how much he loved the Navy, but said it was in a bad way right now, especially after the "Fat Leonard" scandal.

Peters continued, "You had the horrific behavior of the sailors who were grabbed by Iran without a fight."

Ashley, "Yes."

And then he claimed Obama had turned the military into wussies.

Peters continued, "But I think they're -- one of the parts of this problem, part of it is fundamental. Those sailors did not have the basic seamanship skills, but by God, they got their sensitivity training, they got their race relations training, they got their sexual harassment training and we have for a long time, but particularly under Obama, turned the military into a social engineering experiment."

"And, no, the purpose of a military is to fight and for the Navy, boy, you can't fight if you don't have basic navigation skills. And the nonchalance, the neglect, the lack of focus that goes into an accident like this is just appalling."

See, Obama refused to become their drill sergeants and teach them how to navigate their ships.

How dare Obama try and stop female members in the military from being raped?

I guess with Congress' sequester, they cut out all the money from basic training so our soldiers don't even know how to load a weapon properly anymore.

Thanks, Ralph. Nobody knew.

And remember, the fallback position of every right-wing pundit is to blame Obama.

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