Let's Talk About A Dragon! Game Of Thrones Season 7 Ep. 4: 'The Spoils Of War'

Don't mess with Drogon!

What an ending to an episode.

Daenerys Targaryen has been holding back her dragons from attacking King's Landing on her counsel's advice because burning the heck out of people and castles is no way to win back the Iron Throne.

Well, you have to win the war before you can lead a nation and Dany did what she's done the entire time she conquered the east. She went on the offensive and let loose her Dothraki army against Jaime Lannister's ground army, but brought along Drogon to raise the temperature.

After Tyrion was outsmarted by Cersei, losing the wealth of House Tyrell at Highgarden, had the Unsullied trapped at a desolate Casterly Rock by Euron, and after being advised by Jon Snow not to let loose the Kraken, Daenerys listened to her instincts.

This was one of the best battle sequences ever filmed on GOTs and one the fans have been clamoring for.

It was great to see Bronn back on the battlefield, complaining that the gold he received from Jaime was not enough (To me, he belongs with Tyrion) and then he made the right choice by saving his life as opposed to trying to save his newfound wealth.

When Dany swooped down on Jaime's forces riding the back of Drogon, the screen exploded with fire and brimstone.

After luckily getting away from a Dothraki warrior, Bronn made his way to Qyburn's catapult and loaded up a massive arrow. I would have been really pissed if Bronn had killed Drogon with his first shot, but David Benioff didn't disappoint us.

It took Dany riding Drogon directly into Bronn's aim that an arrow did strike and momentarily fell the dragon from the sky.

And as Jaime saw Daenerys' vulnerability as she helped her wounded dragon, I liked Tyrion mouthing, "What are you doing, you fool," as he charged her while Dany pulled the arrow from Drogon's shoulder.

Drogon would never let "the mother of dragons," his mother be hurt and before Jaime was able to kill her, Drogon responded.

Jaime was saved from being burnt to a cinder when someone (Bronn, Dickon?) knocked him aside and into the lake.

We watched as he sunk to the bottom because of his armor and the episode ended.

Will he drown or be rescued? And if rescued, whose prisoner will he be?

***A big moment came when Arya finally rejoined Sansa and then her brother at Winterfell after being separated since season one, but I've been underwhelmed by how poorly the show pulled off what should have been a tear-shedding experience. Yes, Bran was supposed to be aloof, but what of Sansa and Arya's reunion? Shouldn't there have been more intensity?

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