Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be White Supremacists

This is what happens when the White House is full of racists.

There's nothing like the nerve of this administration. They are the epitome of hypocrisy, a snake oil sales team, a con job like no one's ever seen.

On Monday evening, they announced that the Department of Justice was seeking to investigate universities for violating the civil rights of white students by enforcing affirmative action laws in their admissions processes. Because if there's one thing the United States is known for, it's being prejudiced against whites or so the Trump cabal would like you to think. Basically, it was a big ole middle finger to Americans of color. Then the very next day, they created a giant hullabaloo to announce that they would be cutting immigration in half because it was unfair for legal immigrants to take the jobs of African and Hispanic Americans.

Taking these two events together, it would seem Trump's plan for black and brown Americans is to make it harder for them to obtain a higher education which would then allow them to be available to clean Trump's hotels. Something he will need since he won't be able to bring in foreign workers any longer. This is apparently the jobs program Trump had in mind when he asked African Americans during the election to vote for him because as he said, "What have you got to lose?"

This tweet from Representative Maxine Waters stated it best:

I can only imagine the Trump team standing in the Oval Office having one giant white supremacist circle jerk about how to get the most bang for their buck at yesterday's press conference. The choice to use Stephen Miller, America's Nazi-lite Goebbels, who spent his college years hating himself for being Jewish enough to align with the white supremacist Richard Spencer, was classic dog whistling at its best.

Miller chose CNN's Jim Acosta for a reason. This was a purposefully calculated plan knowing that Acosta is not afraid to push back hard against the administration's racist policies. Miller was also keenly aware that Acosta comes from an immigrant family and would most likely be offended by the new requirement that immigrants must be proficient in the English language in order to apply, a requirement that one could genuinely argue would make the president ineligible for immigration.

Miller should not quit his day job as Trump's baby Goebbels; he's a terrible actor. He might as well have swayed in a genteel southern way and proclaimed, "Well, I'll be. How dare you impugn my intentions!" In typical white supremacist circular logic, Miller actually had the nerve to accuse Acosta of being racist. How dare Acosta be intolerant of his intolerance! It was too much to take for the New York Times' Glenn Thrush who could be seen sitting behind Acosta shaking his head and laughing in what I assume was disbelief at the nerve of this idiot. Thankfully, Congress has no intention of letting this joke of an immigration plan see the light of day, but then the Trump team already knew that. This was about baiting and fluffing their base.

Trump was right about one thing, the White House is a dump, but only because he's filled it with white trash. The last two days should be recorded for historical purposes to teach future generations what happens when we don't learn our history and we allow white supremacists to grow in the dark.

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