'Outnumbered' Hosts Jazzed Up By Trump's Afghanistan Speech

They're too young to remember how many people have died there, apparently.

Fox News' Outnumbered went the whole hog in supporting Trump's flip-flop on his Afghanistan positions during the campaign.

Sandra Smith said not all Republicans are on the same page and played a video clip of Senator Lindsey Graham, an unabashed war hawk attacking Senator Rand Paul for criticizing Trump's Afghanistan plans.

"I trust Gen. Mattis more than I trust General Paul, " Graham growled. The South Carolina Senator bashed Obama as well.

Sen. Graham continued, "General Paul has been wrong about everything in this war. It's that kind of thinking that got us into 9/11. You may be tired of fighting the terrorists, they're not tired of fighting you."

Using 9/11 to defend an increase in troops and a continued presence in Afghanistan is disturbing.

Not to be outdone, Trish Regan then stepped up to echo his sentiments.

She reminded her panel guests that Paul's approach of getting out of Afghanistan is very libertarian and has been echoed in the "alt-right" (aka Nazis, KKK, white supremacists and white nationalists) part of the Republican party. They believe "we shouldn't be over there fighting every single war," mostly because they'd like to start a couple of wars here at home.

Regan then said, "We got out of Iraq too quickly."

She quickly established a new foreign policy platform for the GOP.

"We left a breeding ground for terrorism and a breeding ground for ISIS, so once you make a commitment to be somewhere, it's very hard to say we're going to walk away and in this particular case, we are not prepared to walk away from Afghanistan," Trish said.

How quickly she forgot Trump's entire campaign against the Afghanistan war since 2011. Read his list of tweets denouncing the war.

She continued, "If we were to do so, you run the risk, of I worry, seeing some kind of 9/11 type event again, do not forget why we went to Afghanistan the first place."

We went into Afghanistan with over forty countries supporting us along with our NATO allies with the purpose of capturing Osama Bin Laden.

But George Bush destroyed that mission by attacking Iraq, a county that had nothing to do with 9/11 and never attacked us and we lost the support of almost all of our allies.

In the last sixteen years conditions changed drastically in Afghanistan as well as how ISIS rose and others are operating.

Harris Faulkner was all jacked up and said, "It's important to talk about what's been able to fester. I think ISIS thought based on the former president's timeline, they were counting on us leaving. Even more and bigger numbers than we already had what Obama was already putting in motion."

She continued, "They are going to be sadly awakened by the fact that we are not just staying, we're coming for them."

Oh, yes. We've been coming for sixteen years.

Putting in an additional 4000 troops isn't scaring anyone in Afghanistan. We had up to 140,000 troops there previously and guess what? Nothing changed.

Using the devastation of 9/11 to defend Trump's decision to send in more troops with an open ended time frame is unconscionable.

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