Paul Ryan: Cut Rate Action Hero Wannabe
Feeling nervous much, Paulie?
Ever since Randy Bryce hit the campaign trail with a video seen around the world, Lyin' Paul Ryan must be feeling a tad bit nervous.
So what's a scared, pencil-neck geek supposed to do? Why, make his own video of course! And just any video, but one that shows he's just as macho as any iron worker and one that throws red meat to the base, like xenophobia and bigotry.
The part Ryan forgot was not to make himself look even more like a 90 pound weakling in the process. Thus, hilarity ensues:
RT if you agree→ It is time for The Wall.
— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) August 1, 2017
Oooh! He flies in a chopper! He rides on a boat! He rides a horsie, and not just the one in front of the Walmart!
The thing Ryan likes most about his little video is that the taxpayers got to pay for it because he disguised it as a video about the wall and not himself.
But it does raise more than a few questions...
Is it me, or is Ryan riding a pony? And doesn't it look like he's about to fall off of it at the end? Are we sure that's even Ryan and not a stand in? Did anyone else hearing the village people singing "Macho Man" as they watched that video?
All I know for certain is that Dudley Do-Right has nothing to fear from Ryan.
The twitterverse doesn't seem to be very impressed with Ryan's video attempt either.
This isn't Ryan's first go at being an impostor either.
It's time and then some to repeal and replace this faker with Randy Bryce, a real hero (US Army veteran) and a person who knows how to do real work. And if you can, throw a few bucks to help Randy lead on to victory. If you can't afford anything right now, give him a shout out of encouragement and thanks on teh twitter at his now famous @IronStache account. He's very appreciative of those and it helps him keep going.