Richard Trumka: 'Racists' And 'Wall Streeters' Dominated Trump's White House

Is there any doubt why Trump gave shade to the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville?

During a CSM breakfast, AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka explained more clearly why he left the Trump administration after their Charlottesville response, saying the White House faction that had decent policies for workers were "racists."

That's clarity for you.

A reporter asked the AFL-CIO President to trace the "deterioration of his relationship with the Trump administration that led up to your resignation from the manufacturing council."

Trumka explained that they never supported Trump's campaign but said that afterwards both camps reached out to talk.

He said, "We'll judge you by what you do. If you do things that are good for the working people we will support them."

Trumka then got very specific in detailing what eventually led him to resign.

Trumka said, "You had two factions in the White House. You had one faction that actually had some of the policies that we would have supported on trade and infrastructure, but they turned out to be racist."

"And on the other hand, you had people who weren’t racist, but they were Wall Streeters and the Wall Streeters began to dominate the administration and has moved his agenda back to everything that I think they fought against in the election,” he said.

Trumka also explained that the "manufacturing committee" never was a vehicle to provide any real policies and that they never even met.

Trumka also highlighted how Trump's conflicting Charlottesville statements which resulted in him giving a "spirited defense" of white nationalists and neo-Nazis played into his departure as well.

I guess Trump's "many sides" wasn't as perfect as Donald claimed it to be.

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