Star Parker: The Confederate Flag And Rainbow Flag 'Represent The Exact Same Thing'
Can conservative homophobes get any nuttier than Star Parker?
On Tuesday's "Fox and Friends," conservative and anti-gay columnist Star Parker maliciously equated the Confederate flag to the Rainbow flag, saying both flags represent "the exact same thing."
Trump surrogates have had a lot of trouble defending Trump's destructive comments on Saturday about the violence caused by neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, and she is no different.
Star Parker, like many conservatives and libertarians, are trying to create an "alt left" and an "alt left media" narrative to counter Trump's embracing of the alt right community in his sophomoric presidency so far. Most of Star Parker's appearance on Trump's most trusted propaganda program, "Fox and Friends" was about that --until the final minute or so.
Following Trump's lead, Parker complained that the media wants to destroy Trump's presidency, "..its challenge for us is to sort through which is legitimate media, even if they are center left and they are mainstreamed."
Co-host Steve Doocy asked Star about comments Nancy Pelosi made about Trump's refusal to denounce white supremacists.
"It shouldn’t take the President of the United States two days to summon the basic decency to condemn murder and violence by Nazis and white supremacists,” Pelosi wrote.
Parker said Pelosi was trying to exploit the incident for political gain and then used the "two sides" or "bothsiderisms" to shift blame away from the violent racists.
Parker quickly turned into an alternate reality person, using alternative facts and full on homophobe.
Parker said, "But you know what's really interesting and really incredible irony here is the same people that are demanding that the Confederate flag comes down are the same people that are insisting that the Rainbow flag goes up. These two flags represent the exact same thing."
I mean, WTF? I'll say it again: WTF?
The Confederate flag represents slave owners who refused to give up their slaves and became traitors to the country, which resulted in a long and bloody civil war which cost the lives of around 620,000 soldiers, on both sides.
The Rainbow flag represents the LGBT community and the pride they have in each other. Gays in America and in many countries have been subjected to violence, imprisonment and death for centuries.
In Charlottesville, the Confederate flag and their southern heroes were being worshiped by white supremacists, who are anti-Semitic in nature, loved slavery and were celebrating their superiority over the black community, as well as all other minorities in America.
Then Parker became an outright Nazi defender.
She continued, "That certain people, groups are not welcome here. So if Nancy Pelosi wants to say that we're going to start shutting down First Amendment rights of a certain group of people, then what what happens next time that the homosexuals want to walk through an American city and protest and counter protesters come out?"
Pelosi never said to ban Nazi protesters, hater. She condemned the "murder and violence by Nazis and white supremacists."
Like many of Trump's staunchest supporters in the media, she's a crackpot.
Check out our C&L archives on many of her crazy beliefs.