Crazy Trump Supporter Panel: 'Charlottesville Was A Set-Up'

These Trump supporters don't believe in traditional media and view everything they see on Facebook as the truth. And CNN gives them airtime.

During a CNN Trump supporter panel, one guest claimed the man who murdered Heather Heyer had a panic attack, while another said the Charlottesville protest was all a set up by people "who want to derail our president."

Host Alisyn Camerota tried to get them to admit that all Trump had to do was denounce the racist groups, but the panel brought up Antifa to justify his "many sides" allegations.

When Camerota brought up the murder of Heather Heyer, Trumper Daphne Goggins said she didn't know who killed her, "because it hasn't been investigated yet."

Camerota said, "But we know who the suspect is."

Goggins, "I don't trust anything that the news media says anymore and the fact of the matter is, we haven't heard from this young man -- when I first heard this, me, myself, I'll tell you, some stuff ran through my mind. I'm like, maybe he had a panic attack."

Camerota said, "Why are you giving him a pass?

"I'm not giving him a pass."

"Why are you thinking a white supremacist had a panic attack?"

Goggins, "How can he be a white supremacist of anything when he's 20 years old?"

Next up was a Trumper who claimed the entire Charlottesville protests and violence was a set-up by somebody "to make Trump look bad."

L.A. Key said, "I think a great portion of it is a conspiracy. I think it was a setup."

"From whom?"

Key said, "I think people who want to derail our president. There were buses coming in with lots of young people -- protesters coming off the same bus with some wearing Black Lives Matter and some wearing KKK shirts. They were brought in to cause a controversy."

Camerota, "Where are you getting your evidence?"

Key, "A lot of it on Facebook."

"You saw something on Facebook."

Another Trump agreed and said, "Yes." He discussed an Antifa ad on Craigslist.

Camerota, " And you trust Facebook more than news organizations?

"Oh, yes, live video from people who shot it, that were present, yes."

Camerota, " You trust your Facebook feed even though you don't know the origin --

"They are our friends."

CNN did get the video they were promoting as evidence that it was indeed a set up, but it was utter nonsense.

This panel proves that ardent Trump supporters will not pull their support from Trump anytime soon, because they loathe the media.

And he can do no wrong since everyone is out to get him. Now maybe if the hairpiece does shoot somebody on camera, they may think twice, but it had better not be Mitch McConnell because they'd say he deserved it, since the majority leader messed up Trump's "repeal and replace" promise.

Here's what's important about watching these reality-denying Trump supporters. They are 34% of the United States electorate. If you don't vote against them, in a way that will win an election, you vote for them. Because they turn out and vote for their version of "reality" every single election. And no one in the Republican Party is working to disenfranchise them. They have their voter ID's, access to polling places, and a list of candidates and a reliable, complicit media who will feed their insanity.

We must defeat them. Their Facebook nuttiness covers some deeply evil politics.

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