Alex Jones: NFL Players Are 'Kneeling To White Genocide'

This is about as batshit crazy as it can get, right?

Alex Jones and Jack Posobiec took the mantle of white nationalism today when they attacked NFL players for "kneeling to white genocide."

Trump's imbecilic argument with the NFL is obviously a distraction from his entire failed presidency so far and the only thing he does consistently is to start crazy media wars for attention that revs up his whacked out base of supporters.

Even today during a presser with the Spanish Prime minister, Trump told the media how ashamed he was of the NFL.

And there is nobody crazier or more of a degenerate than Alex Jones. How a person can get from a small group of players that staged a silent protest over law enforcement's continued violence against unarmed African Americans to 'the entire NFL wants to kill all the white men' is beyond me.

Check out this insane rant from Jones and his protege Jack Posobiec as transcribed by MMFA:

Jones, "You’re supposed to get on your knees at midnight or in the early morning and tell God you repent on things you’ve done. You don’t tell in a football stadium, “Mainstream media: you’re my God, I am bad, tell me what to do.” That is sick."

Posobiec, "And you realize they’re not taking a knee to Trump, so I’d love to talk to any one of these guys and say, “Who are you taking a knee to? Who specifically do you have in mind when you’re taking that knee?”

Jones, "They’re kneeling to political correctness and hating white people."

Posobiec, "That’s all it is."

Jones, "They’re kneeling to white genocide -- "

Posobiec, "And they won’t admit it."

Jones, "-- and then I don’t want anybody to be genocided (sic). But everywhere it’s: “Kill the whites, kill the whites.” The universities: “No whites can come on campus.” It’s a bunch of weird white people going, “We need to kill all the white people.” Just everywhere. Hillary: “We lost because of white people.” It’s the most racist, weird, anti-Martin Luther King crap I’ve ever heard. Martin Luther King would say, “You people are crazy.”

Were these nuts influenced by the Westboro Baptist Church?

They've even created a conspiracy behind "taking a knee."

Watching Jones mention Martin Luther King, in the same sentence with white genocide is almost too much to take.

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